ISSN 0189-1774

Original Article
Online Published: 16 Nov 2024

Relationship Between Major Depressive Disorder and Healthcare Utilization Among Patients With Sickle Cell Disease Attending a Tertiary Hospital in North-West Nigeria: A Cross-Sectional Study


Background: The comorbidity between major depressive disorder (MDD) and sickle cell disease (SCD) has been documented in numerous literature sources. There have been reports of an increase in both urgent and non-urgent healthcare utilisation among individuals with both conditions compared to those with either of the conditions alone.
Aim: This study aimed to determine the relationship between major depressive disorder and healthcare utilisation among patients with sickle cell disease.
Methods: The study was conducted at the Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital (UDUTH) in Sokoto and involved SCD patients. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to gather data on sociodemographic, clinical, and healthcare utilisation variables. The Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) was used to screen for MDD, while the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview-7 (MINI) was employed to diagnose MDD.
Results: SCD patients with comorbid MDD reported significantly more visits to primary care physicians (P = 0.041), underwent more laboratory tests (P = 0.007), received fewer prescribed medications (P = 0.004), and had more visits to other hospitals (P = 0.005). However, no significant association was found with hospitalisation (P = 0.476), daycare visits (P = 0.102), or emergency department visits (P = 0.315).
Conclusion: This study showed that comorbid SCD and MDD are associated with increased non-urgent healthcare utilisation, such as outpatient visits, but did not find an increase in urgent healthcare utilisation, including acute hospitalisations and emergency admissions.

Key words: Association, Cross-sectional, Health Care Utilization, Major depressive disorder, Sickle cell disease

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Pubmed Style

YAKUBU A, KAREEM Y, UMAR U, BAKARE A, ABUBAKAR S, ABUBAKAR A, BELLO A, ABDULLAHI U, BUNZA H. Relationship Between Major Depressive Disorder and Healthcare Utilization Among Patients With Sickle Cell Disease Attending a Tertiary Hospital in North-West Nigeria: A Cross-Sectional Study. NJP. Online First: 16 Nov, 2024. doi:10.5455/NJP.201995

Web Style

YAKUBU A, KAREEM Y, UMAR U, BAKARE A, ABUBAKAR S, ABUBAKAR A, BELLO A, ABDULLAHI U, BUNZA H. Relationship Between Major Depressive Disorder and Healthcare Utilization Among Patients With Sickle Cell Disease Attending a Tertiary Hospital in North-West Nigeria: A Cross-Sectional Study. [Access: December 16, 2024]. doi:10.5455/NJP.201995

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

YAKUBU A, KAREEM Y, UMAR U, BAKARE A, ABUBAKAR S, ABUBAKAR A, BELLO A, ABDULLAHI U, BUNZA H. Relationship Between Major Depressive Disorder and Healthcare Utilization Among Patients With Sickle Cell Disease Attending a Tertiary Hospital in North-West Nigeria: A Cross-Sectional Study. NJP. Online First: 16 Nov, 2024. doi:10.5455/NJP.201995

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

YAKUBU A, KAREEM Y, UMAR U, BAKARE A, ABUBAKAR S, ABUBAKAR A, BELLO A, ABDULLAHI U, BUNZA H. Relationship Between Major Depressive Disorder and Healthcare Utilization Among Patients With Sickle Cell Disease Attending a Tertiary Hospital in North-West Nigeria: A Cross-Sectional Study. NJP, [cited December 16, 2024]; Online First: 16 Nov, 2024. doi:10.5455/NJP.201995

Harvard Style

YAKUBU, A., KAREEM, . Y., UMAR, . U., BAKARE, . A., ABUBAKAR, . S., ABUBAKAR, . A., BELLO, . A., ABDULLAHI, . U. & BUNZA, . H. (2024) Relationship Between Major Depressive Disorder and Healthcare Utilization Among Patients With Sickle Cell Disease Attending a Tertiary Hospital in North-West Nigeria: A Cross-Sectional Study. NJP, Online First: 16 Nov, 2024. doi:10.5455/NJP.201995

Turabian Style

YAKUBU, A.I., Y.A. KAREEM, U.M. UMAR, A.T. BAKARE, S.B. ABUBAKAR, A. ABUBAKAR, A. BELLO, U. ABDULLAHI, and H.A. BUNZA. 2024. Relationship Between Major Depressive Disorder and Healthcare Utilization Among Patients With Sickle Cell Disease Attending a Tertiary Hospital in North-West Nigeria: A Cross-Sectional Study. Nigerian Journal of Psychiatry, Online First: 16 Nov, 2024. doi:10.5455/NJP.201995

Chicago Style

YAKUBU, A.I., Y.A. KAREEM, U.M. UMAR, A.T. BAKARE, S.B. ABUBAKAR, A. ABUBAKAR, A. BELLO, U. ABDULLAHI, and H.A. BUNZA. "Relationship Between Major Depressive Disorder and Healthcare Utilization Among Patients With Sickle Cell Disease Attending a Tertiary Hospital in North-West Nigeria: A Cross-Sectional Study." Nigerian Journal of Psychiatry Online First: 16 Nov, 2024. doi:10.5455/NJP.201995

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

YAKUBU, A.I., Y.A. KAREEM, U.M. UMAR, A.T. BAKARE, S.B. ABUBAKAR, A. ABUBAKAR, A. BELLO, U. ABDULLAHI, and H.A. BUNZA. "Relationship Between Major Depressive Disorder and Healthcare Utilization Among Patients With Sickle Cell Disease Attending a Tertiary Hospital in North-West Nigeria: A Cross-Sectional Study." Nigerian Journal of Psychiatry Online First: 16 Nov, 2024. Web. 16 Dec 2024 doi:10.5455/NJP.201995

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

YAKUBU, A., KAREEM, . Y., UMAR, . U., BAKARE, . A., ABUBAKAR, . S., ABUBAKAR, . A., BELLO, . A., ABDULLAHI, . U. & BUNZA, . H. (2024) Relationship Between Major Depressive Disorder and Healthcare Utilization Among Patients With Sickle Cell Disease Attending a Tertiary Hospital in North-West Nigeria: A Cross-Sectional Study. Nigerian Journal of Psychiatry, Online First: 16 Nov, 2024. doi:10.5455/NJP.201995